Reval IT Power BI Service?

We drive our business intelligence services domain by integrating Microsoft Power BI suite into your information systems. Power BI is built to enhance your capabilities to utilize business data to its full potential. It enables you to discover how powerful the data you already possess can be.

As Microsoft partner, we are a recommended team that will help you lay the foundation to extract this data. Our Power BI services are designed to help clients achieve optimal utility of business data to make the most beneficial decisions.

With our expertise and the endless features of Power BI, you can:

▶   Discover new depths of insights in your existing data

▶   Discover more dependable KPIs with greater potential for growth

▶   Build highly effective dashboards and visualisations

What is Power BI?

Power BI is one of the market leader Data analyzing and visualizing tool from Microsoft. Best information you found from the Microsoft Power BI web page.

Microsoft's "What is Power BI?" page

What is Power BI Desktop?

Power BI Desktop is a free tool that you can use to creating the visualizations.

Microsoft's "What is Power BI Desktop?" page

What is Power BI Service?

Power BI Service is a web portal that Power BI using to publishing and managing the visualizations and reports.

Microsoft's "What is Power BI Service?" page

Power BI Service login page

Elin Raaper - Power BI

Elin Raaper

Data mining and Power BI analyzing

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